Sunday 15 April 2018

Report: Hospice UK Accounts: analysis of the accounts of UK charitable hospices for the year ended 31 March 2016.

Published by Hospice UK in December 2017, the aim of the report is to demonstrate the size and operation of hospice care in the UK, and provide hospices with critical figures and benchmarks against which to compare their own accounts.  Areas include income, cost of raising funds, shops, lotteries, staff costs, key management personnel, high paid staff, reserves, deficits and falling reserves, cash, return on investments and audit fees [30 pages]

Contact the library for a copy

Guidance: Investment matters: a practical guide to CC14 (the Charity Commission's guidance on investment matters for trustees)

Produced by the Charity Commission, the aim of the guide is to support trustees in ensuring that they manage a charity's resources responsibly, exercising sound judgement and not taking unnecessary risks, particularly when it comes to investing.  This guide covers a trustees responsibilities, what to include in an investment policy statement, how to select an investment manager and useful links [22 pages].

Contact the library for a copy

Guidance: Financial governance: a gentle guide for the non-financial charity trustee

With an introduction by the Charity Commission highlighting the importance of Trustees understanding a charity's finances, this guide is intended as a first and gentle introduction to the subject, particularly aimed at new trustees.  It covers the different types of charity funds, the budget within a financial strategy, measuring financial performance, understanding risk attached to different types of income, taxes, qualified account, relationships with auditors, and investments.  All these areas are initially looked at in brief initially and then in more detail.  It is recommended as a key document in Trustee inductions.

Available to download here

Guidance: Essential Charity Finance for Trustees

This is a new guide from Charity Finance Group (CFG) aimed at new trustees and existing trustees that need to refresh their memories about their financial responsibilities. The guide covers how trustees should approach financial governance in their charity, legal responsibilities, accounting and reporting requirements, financial strategy, policies and information, financial reporting, audits and independent examinations, regulators and law enforcement as well as key resources.[20 pages]

Available to download here

Report: Look - nfp have done by PEST analysis: 2018 update

nfp Synergy first published a PEST analysis for charities in 2011, with the aim to provide a resources that would help charities understand the key political, economic and social trends influencing their organisation.    In wake of recent events such as Brexit, the 2017 snap election, the rise of smart phones and GDOR, they've repeated the analysis with the aim to highlight the most influential factors a charity should keep in mind when developing strategies for the coming years. [46 pages]

Contact the library for a copy.

Report: CAF UK Giving 2018: an overview of charitable giving in the UK

The Charities Action Foundation (CAF) UK Giving project surveys 12,000 people a year allowing them to look in detail at the patterns of giving.  This year the report shows that although total donations are slightly up, the number of people giving has fallen.  The report provides detailed findings of giving money, volunteering, giving goods, the frequency of giving, the typical amounts given, and what people give to.  The final section looks at trust in charities, and the impact of Brexit.

Available to download here

Guide: Blackbaud's GDPR Handbook: your non-profit's guide to GDPR

This 12 page handbook, produced by Blackbaud (Raiser's Edge) is aimed at being a practical handbook, covering 4 main areas: the new data protection reforms; the basics of GDPR and the basics of consent; governance and internal policy reform, technology, data protection and data security.

Available to download here

Guidance: General Data Protection Regulation: a guide for charities

Produced by the Charity Finance Group (CFG) this guide has been written to help voluntary organisations comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  It's split into five parts governance, fundraising data, financial data, beneficiary data and employee data.  The guide is aimed at anyone with responsibility for data management within their charity, from trustees, to finance directors, to volunteers.

Available to download here

Report: Councils and charity shops: a report for charity retailers

Research carried out by the Charity Retail Association found that shops from the same charity got completely different deals on rates and waste disposal depending on where they were situated. 
The report revealed huge variances in the support local authorities offer to charity shops across the UK with as many as one in four local authorities unaware of how many charity shops were in their area, and the criteria by which they chose to allocate additional rates relief. [34 pages].

Available to download here

Report: Together for Short Lives' report to NHS England: a national overview of the readiness of the children's palliative care sector to implement the NICE End of Life Care for Infants, Children and Young People: Planning and Management Guidelines

Published in December 2017, this report by Together for Short Lives with the support of NHS England provides a baseline of the current position of the children’s palliative care sector in providing high quality, equitable palliative and end of life care based on the NICE guideline.  The data was collected from the regional children’s palliative care networks and then collated and analysed against the NICE guideline. The results show a mixed level of achievement reflecting the wide variation that exists across each of the networks.

Available to download here

Report: Care Quality Commission: The state of hospices in England 2014 - 2017: findings from CQC's initial programme of comprehensive inspections of hospice services

Published in 2017, this report looked at adult and children's hospice services, and found across England, hospices have the highest percentage of health and social care services that are rated outstanding (25%), with a further 70% are rated good.  The inspectors found that hospice leaders and frontline staff displayed a strong commitment to providing truly person-centered, compassionate care. They also developed strong relationships with other services in the area.  However, they also noted there is more to be done to make sure that everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, can access high-quality end of life care. [18 pages].

Available to download here

Report: Charity Income Spotlight Report

This report examines charity income in 2016/17, reporting on the sector overview, annual and real-time growth, income grown by income bands, surplus income and deficit, income by cause, income by source and insights from the sector.

Charity Income Spotlight Report.  January 2018

Contact the library for a copy.

Report: Charity Financials Top 100 Fundraisers Annual Report 2018

This report looks at  the financial trends of the top 100 UK fundraising charities during 2016/2017.  It reveals the sector is experiencing a welcome period of growth, however many sources of funding, such as statutory sources are under increased threat.   The report includes background and summary of main findings, headline financial results, breakdown of income by type, longer term trends, long term balance of income streams and outlook for the medium term. [9 page report].

M&G Investment & Charity Financials, Top 100 Fundraisers: Annual Report 2018.

Contact the library for a copy.

Report: Volunteering Trend Data

This report from nfp Synergy looked at trends in volunteering over a 14 year period, from 2003 to August 2017.  It revealed that volunteering levels remain fairly stable, but the most interesting changes relate to age group and gender with young men, between 16 and 34 the most likely group to volunteer, followed closely by women from the same age group.  Volunteering in both the 45 - 54 and 55 - 64 year olds have declined. [17 pages]

Contact the library for a copy.