Wednesday 11 February 2015

Guidance: 10 Key points for charities on commercial contracts

Guidance from the Law Firm Radcliffes LeBrasseur, it details the 10 key areas for charities to be aware of with commercial contracts, when either receiving a draft contract or issuing one.

Radcliffes Le Brasseur, 2014.  Briefing Guide: 10 Key points for charities on commercial contracts.

Available to download

Report: Charity income spotlight report

Charity Financials' twice-yearly Charity Income Spotlight. The report tracks the overall income of the charity sector, filed between March and September 2014.

CharityFinancials, October 2014.  Charity income spotlight. 

Contact the library for a copy

Report: Risk Management for Charities

12 page report from the Institute of Risk Management Charities Special Interest Group, helps charities of all sizes make sense of risk management.  It is consistent with the Charity Commission's requirement.

The Institute of Risk Management, 2014.  Risk management for charities: getting started - supplementary guidance.

Available to download

Monday 9 February 2015

Report: Hospice Accounts: analysis of the accounts of UK voluntary independent hospices

The report brings together the accounts of 186 hospices in the UK, including adult and children's hospice services.  The report can be used by hospice staff and trustees to benchmark their own hospice against others of the same size.  The report looks in detail at the different types of income, free reserves, deficits and falling reserves, returns of investment, staff costs and audit costs.

Help the Hospices (2014).  Hospice Accounts: analysis of the accounts of UK voluntary independent hospices for the year ended 31 March 2013.

To request a copy, contact the library

Article: Embracing new funding models

As the voluntary and charity sector grows, there is an ever increasing number of organisations targeting the same donors and grant makers.  This article looks at diversification of funding, key finance questions that organisations have to address, and strategic focus.

Salway, J. December 3rd 2014.  Funding as a game-changer.  Finance Magazine.

Contact the library for a copy