Monday 18 April 2016

Guidance: A Question of Balance: A Guide to the Chair and Chief Executive Relationship

Forging a successful relationship with your CEO is a key part of the Chair’s role.  This guide aims to help  strengthen that relationship. It identifies what is needed at key stages in the Chair-CEO relationship; explores nine key themes where the Chair needs to strike the right balance, offers insights from existing research, and provides pointers for when things go wrong.

Lesirge, R. & Oakley, R. 2016.  A Question of Balance: a guide to the Chair and Chief Executive relationship. Association of Chairs.

Available as a hard copy for loan from the library or to download

Guide: Reading Charity Accounts Made Simple

This guide aims to make reading a set of charity accounts simple for those new to the charity sector. Most of the basic accounting principles apply, but they have to be adapted to fit the non-commercial nature of some charity transactions. The guide covers fund accounting, different types of charity and what to consider when reading a charity’s accounts and assessing a charity’s performance.

Sayer Vincent, 2016.  Reading Charity Accounts Made Simple.

Available to download

Guidance: Trustees, Trading and Tax: How Charities May Lawfully Trade

Published in February 2016, the updated guide is particularly aimed at charities who are trading for the purpose of raising funds.  It explains when a separate company should be established, and information is provided on the application of income and corporation tax on trading profits.

Charity Commission, 2016.  Trustees, Trading and Tax: how charities may lawfully trade

Available to download

Report: Charity Reserves: Building Resilience

Published January 2016, this new publications from the Charity Commission has been written for trustees of charities of all sizes and types.  It covers what reserves are; the importance of having a reserve policy, the legal requirements for publishing the policy and the inclusion in the annual report in a way that meets the requirements of the Charities SORP.  Appendices 1 and 2 provide practical guidance on creating a policy for small and large charities.

Charity Commission, 2016.  CC19 Charity reserves: building resilience.

Available to loan from the library or download

Article: Charity Insurance Pitfalls

Two page article on the four main types of insurance cover: public liability, employers' liability, property insurance, and trustee indemnity insurance, and the potential pitfalls for hospices.  The article also refers to the impact of the new Insurance Act which comes into force on 1st August 2016.

Britton, D. 2016.  Charity insurance pitfalls.  Finance Magazine.

To request a copy, click here and return form to library.

Report: Influencing Locally: A Toolkit For Hospices

The toolkit has been produced to support hospices to identify and build relationships locally, and to raise awareness and influence key statutory bodies to ensure that hospice care is on the agenda of local decision makers. The guide provides information on local health and well being boards, clinical commissioning groups, and includes a "how to influence" section.

Hospice UK, 2016.  Influencing locally: a toolkit for hospices in England. Hospice UK.

Copy available from the library

[Report] Briding the Gap: Strengthening Relationships Between Hospices and Muslims

The report was commissioned by Hospice UK and Together for Short Lives with the aim to learn how hospices and British Muslim communities can mutually strengthen engagement.  It gives a detailed insight into end of life care for Muslims and makes a number of recommendations to work together better across the UK.

Ahmed, S. & Siddiqi, N.  2015. Bridging the gap: strengthening relationships between hospices and muslims. Woolf Institute, and Hospice UK, and Together for Short Lives.  48 pages.

Available to download or request a copy for loan from the library

Article: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards: Road to Ruin?

Written by medical staff at Willow Wood Hospice, the authors express strong views against the deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS).  Born out of good intentions, DoLS create more issues than solves they argue, and call on their colleagues in the UK and elsewhere in Europe to take up the debate.

Tapley, M. Regan, A. & Jolley D. 2016.  Deprivation of liberty safeguards: road to ruin?  European Journal of Palliative Care, 23 (2) p 88-89.

To request a copy, click here and return form to library.

Update: Budget Briefing March 2016 - Impact on hospices

Produced by Hospice UK, this 2 page report outlines the impact of the March 2016 for hospices.  Includes business rates, welfare benefits and banking regulation fines.

Hospice UK, March 2016.  Briefing: Budget 2016. 

Contact the library for a copy

Report: Top 100 Fundraising Charities Spotlight: Annual Report

The report  provides a new update of key trends in the annual income of the top 100 UK fundraising charities, from 2010 - 2015.  It provides key statistics for the last year, analyses trends from the last 5 years, examines some of the success factors and reviews the future outlooks.  

Charity Financials, 2016. Top 100 Fundraising Charities Spotlight

Contact the library for a copy

Report: Charity Causes Spotlight 2016

This report examines the charitable causes of the top 5,000 charities in the UK and aims to show how organisations belonging to different charitable causes have contrasting dependencies on revenue streams.  The report enables charities to benchmark their performance against others in their group, giving them greater insight into performance and help create future financial strategies.

Charity Financials, 2016. Charity causes spotlight. 

Contact the library for a copy

Report: Civil Society Almanac 2016 - Finance Overview and Income

The UK Civil Society Almanac, published 11 April 2016, is the most comprehensive guide to the state of the voluntary sector. It’s a detailed analysis of charitable accounts, carefully sculpted to include only the real voluntary sector in the UK.  These pages look at the financial overview and income sources from UK charities in the last year.

Click here to view

Report: Civil Society Almanac 2016 - Spending

The UK Civil Society Almanac, published 11 April 2016, is the most comprehensive guide to the state of the voluntary sector. It’s a detailed analysis of charitable accounts, carefully sculpted to include only the real voluntary sector in the UK.  These pages look at the spending, generating income and grant making activity from UK charities in the last year.

Click here to view

Report: Civil Society Almanac 2016 - Assets and Reserves

The UK Civil Society Almanac, published 11 April 2016, is the most comprehensive guide to the state of the voluntary sector. It’s a detailed analysis of charitable accounts, carefully sculpted to include only the real voluntary sector in the UK.  These pages look at the assets and reserves, liabilities and loans, and investments undertaken by UK charities in the last year 

Click here to view

Report: Civil Society Almanac 2016 - Volunteers and Workforce

The UK Civil Society Almanac, published 11 April 2016, is the most comprehensive guide to the state of the voluntary sector. It’s a detailed analysis of charitable accounts, carefully sculpted to include only the real voluntary sector in the UK.  These pages looks at the volunteering rate, volunteer profiles, volunteer activities, motivation and barriers, and the paid workforce working within charities. 

Click here to view